From the Mother Nature Network:

If you love a good burger, you’ve got to make it over to Yeah! Burger, a burger joint that offers five different burgers, endless toppings and a number of delicious sides. The most flavorful thing about Yeah! Burger is how green it is. (And by green, I mean eco-friendly — a green burger would be kinda gross.)
In addition to making an effort to offer eco-friendly appliances (they have water-conserving toilets and sinks in their bathrooms), Yeah! Burger uses local sources for some of its burger ingredients. The beef burger is made with locally raised and slaughtered grass-fed beef. The beef comes from White Oak Pastures, which owned and operated by Will Harris, and is located only three hours south of Atlanta. (Yeah! Burger also offers an all grass-fed beef hot dog!)
To read the full review, and to check out the menu, visit Yeah! Burger: An eco-friendly burger joint