Allison Lilly: My name is Allison and I’ve been living in the DC area since graduating from the University of Virginia in 2007. Upon graduating, I made a personal commitment to learn how to cook and eat at home; replacing the Subway sandwiches I used to eat for most of my meals in college. This resolution has led me to consider the political, environmental, and health related issues associated with the foods we eat. I am challenged to eat locally and sustainability. I’m even considering how I can transition to eating less meat. I share my adventures with my dog, Logan, a loving shar pei who enjoys carrots, long walks, and the dog park.

About Adventures in Container Gardening (and Local Eating): I initiated this blog when my friends and I decided to start a container garden (or series of container gardens) spring 2009. Since then, it has evolved into a space for me to share thoughts and recipes. I hope to continue to expand the “gardening” components of the site as I seek opportunities to farm and garden this upcoming season. I am also hoping to expand the site to post more ideas, links, and resources about food and agricultural issues. Until then, I hope you enjoy the recipes and try them out for yourself and your loved ones.

Adventures In Container Gardening (And Local Eating)