My name is Christopher White, born in the desert plains of New Mexico USA and educated at the University of British Columbia in beautiful BC Canada. Earning a BS in Marine Biology, I have had the privilege to experience and study some of the unique life and amazing biodiversity this world has to offer.

From the natural world to the developed one, a mesh work of cities and towns, to jungles and oceans cover our globe. Unique cultures, religions, and peoples from around the world have shown us that society can be in many ways just as diverse and rich as the natural world itself. But it is at this point in time, we lie at cross roads where both the nature world and developed stand at odds.

A sustainable future, where both cultural and natural growth can co-exist, is only possible with our awareness to indeed make it a reality. Here I attempt to provide a scientific picture of current and past studies I’ve undertaken as well as the celebration of both the natural and developed world living in unison. My aim is to not only show examples of how the two live in unison but ways the individual and masses can make sustainable green living a global realization.

Here is a link to his blog/website: Chris White’s Bio World.